Our Cuisine

Our Food is Freshly made with Love and Passion
delivered from the Heart…

The Culinary Team at Lords has been trained in house to very high standards to ensure they are passionate about our cuisine which has been carefully designed to express our Creativity and offer a very varied menu with an Asian Twist. We have many different platter dishes that are designed so you can experience many varied flavors from the country dish platter you have selected, for example, Sri Lanka, Indian, and Thai.

Our food is an expression of art design on a plate and we love to surprise our guests with new ideas and inspirations. Most of our dishes are totally unique as they are inspired from the owner’s heart. We also focus on offering specific creative solutions to vegetarian foods and other special dietary needs

Our food is cooked fresh to order. Our Responsible Investor Program ensures we maintain Sustainable Tourism practices, sourcing locally made and grown produces. We avoid where ever possible imported items that can be locally produced here in Sri Lanka

Lords is located in Negombo which is the main fishing port in Sri Lanka with an abundance of fabulous Fresh and Live Seafood. We believe with the increase of Tourism over the next 10 years we have to act now to ensure the stocks in the oceans and lagoons around Sri Lanka are managed correctly. We source where ever possible from suppliers that also use Aquaculture in the lagoon waters around Negombo. Our famous signature Jumbo Prawns are hatched by eggs in Negombo and then released into the large lagoon and then the company pays the fishermen to catch the prawns when ready and sell back at the market price, therefore, managing stocks carefully and providing jobs to the local community and planning correctly for the future. If we ignore this now all Sri Lankan people rely on fresh seafood as their basic diet requirement and will result in seafood shortages in the future. This will raise the price so high that your average person will not be in a position to purchase this basic diet need and affect the whole economy.

Martin Fullerton
Owner – Lords Restaurant Complex